Smartpost (Posti)

You can use the HOAS Juustenintie 3 SmartPost address to receive your packages directly to this post locker.

Unfortunately, the Smart Post point has been removed from Juustenintie, HOAS premises. The service no longer exists. We continue to keep this post as a request to Posti to bring back that service to Juustenintie 3. This was a matter of great convenience for us, the residents of Juustenintie 3.

Posti has a SmartPost parcel locker (pakettiautomaatti) in the H block. You can access the SmartPost through the inner courtyard door by using your apartment key. You can use the HOAS Juustenintie 3 SmartPost address to receive your packages.

A parcel locker is an automated postal box that allows users for a self-service collection of parcels and oversized letters as well as the dispatch of parcels.