Mätäjoki outdoor area
In the area, you can go outside on your own and enjoy the scenery all year round. Outdoor sports can be enjoyed on the sports field both in summer and winter. It is possible to practice, for example, different ball sports.
Malminkartano library
With the Helm library card, you can borrow a variety of materials from the library, for example books, movies, music, games and cartoons. The loan period is usually four weeks, but you can get additional time by renewing, i.e. extending the loan period. The library is open: Mon-Thurs 9am-8pm, Fri 9am-4pm, Sat 10am-4pm Address: Puustellintie 6, 00410 Helsinki 09 31085041, helmet.fi
Malminkartano apple garden
Malminkartano's apple orchard has hundreds of apple trees. In the apple orchard, the majority are apple trees, but there are also pear, plum and cherry trees. The park has groups of tables for eating snacks and plenty of space for picnic blankets. You can go to the apple blossom picnic in the orchard when the trees are blooming in May. In autumn, the city organizes apple picking in the apple orchard. Address: Kartanonkaari 29 00410, Helsinki
Malminkartano peak
Malminkartano peak, or Malminkartanonhuippu, is an artificial hill and the highest place in Helsinki. It is located at a height of about 91 meters above sea level. The area has versatile opportunities for, for example, exercise and observing nature. The peak also serves as a viewpoint. Address: Naapuripellontie 00410, Helsinki
Myyrmäki swimming/ Sports hall
Myyrmäki Sports Hall is located in Myyrmäki, Vantaa. In addition to the ballroom, the sports hall's facilities include wrestling facilities, a gymnasium and strength training facilities. The building also has a swimming pool and a cafe. Swimming pool opening hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 6am-8pm, Tues 10am-8pm, Sat, Sun 10am-5pm Address: Myyrmäenraitti 4, 01600 Vantaa, Ph: 043 825 7500
Vetokannas Beach
The Vetokannas beach is located in Kaivoksela, Vantaa. The sports services of the city of Vantaa are responsible for swimming supervision. Monitoring period normally starts on the first week of June and ends by mid-August. Changing rooms and toilets in use during the supervision period. In the area there are bathing houses, a beach, a winter swimming spot, changing rooms, a toilet, a shower, a beach volleyball court, and fitness equipment. Address: Vantaanlaaksontie 3 01670 Vantaa
Kino movie theatre, Myyrmäki
Kino Myyri movie theatre operates in Vantaa near the Myyrmäki train station. Kino Myyri shows two to five films a day. The theater has 188 seats. The box office opens half an hour before the start of the first show and closes after the start of the last show. Ticket reservation according to the opening hours of the theater. The phone number is 09 563 4404, where you can, for example, book movie tickets. Address: Kilterinraitti 6 01600 Vantaa Ph: 095634404, www.biojaseka.com